The Wisdom Within


1 to 2 Question - 30 minute Akashic Records Reading


This is a one to two question Akashic Records reading via Zoom where we will open your Akashic Records and seek an answer and guidance to one or two questions from your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.

Photo of a road with two paths

Trust Your Gut: Developing Your Intuition

July 01, 20242 min read

Ever had that feeling you just couldn't shake, a hunch that turned out to be right on the money? That, my friend, is your intuition. It's that inner wisdom, that quiet voice that guides you without needing a logical explanation.

But what exactly is intuition, and how can we cultivate a stronger connection to it?

What is Intuition?

Intuition is that innate sense of knowing, a feeling that steers us in a particular direction. It can manifest in many ways: a gut feeling, a hunch, a sudden flash of insight, or even a vivid dream. It's not based on conscious reasoning, but rather on a complex interplay of our subconscious mind, past experiences, and subtle cues we pick up on without even realizing it.

Developing Your Inner Compass

The good news is that we can all strengthen our intuition. Here are a few ways to get started:

  • Quiet Your Mind: In our fast-paced world, it's easy to miss the subtle whispers of intuition. Make time for stillness – meditation, spending time in nature, or simply taking a few deep breaths – can create the space to hear your inner voice.

  • Body Awareness: Intuition often speaks through our body. Pay attention to physical sensations – a knot in your stomach, a feeling of lightness, or a sudden chill. These can be your intuition's way of communicating.

  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you identify patterns and recurring hunches. As you reflect, pay attention to what resonates within you.

  • Practice Makes Progress: The more you trust your intuition, the stronger it becomes. Start with small decisions and observe the outcomes. Even if it doesn't always lead to the "right" choice, you'll learn valuable lessons about trusting yourself.

Why Trust Your Intuition?

Intuition isn't a magic bullet, but it's a powerful tool for navigating life's complexities. Here's why it deserves your trust:

  • Empowers You: By listening to your inner wisdom, you take ownership of your choices and feel more confident in your path.

  • Enhances Decision-Making: Intuition can complement logic by providing a holistic perspective that considers factors beyond just the facts.

  • Reduces Stress: Overthinking can be paralyzing. Trusting your gut feeling can help you make quicker decisions and avoid analysis paralysis.

Remember, intuition is a personal journey. There's no right or wrong way to connect with it. The key is to be open, listen attentively, and trust the wisdom that lies within.

So, the next time you have a gut feeling, don't ignore it. Embrace it as a valuable piece of information and see where it leads you. You might be surprised by the incredible journey it takes you on.


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Soul Session Package


1st Soul Session - We will talk for 30 minutes about where you feel you are in your life and what your goals, dreams, and aspirations are. Then we will spend 60 minutes in your Akashic Records to gain clarity and get specific around what you are desiring and what your next steps should be (It can be around family, love, business, or soul expansion. Whatever you are wanting clarity around.).

2nd - 4th Soul Sessions - These 60 minute sessions will be held 1-2 weeks apart and are designed for continuous support of you in achieving your goals. We will open your Akashic Records to explore changes and shifts in your life around what has been happening and how you can continue moving forward at warp speed to build the life you want.

To hold you accountable to your commitment to yourself, sessions must be completed with 8-10 weeks. No refunds or credits once the first session has been completed.

In between your four sessions, you will receive daily journal prompts to help keep you moving forward towards your goals and weekly check-ins via email to see what has been opening up for you.

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